Contract rent under life residence of a dependent
Contract of rent on the conditions of residence of a dependent for life
PM Moscow
"___"__________ 200__ PM
We, gr. The Russian Federation, Ivan Ivanov, 01.01.______ year of birth, place of birth: Moscow, sex: male, passport of the Russian Federation 00 series 00 № 000000 issued 01.01.2002g. ATS "_____________" district of Moscow, the subdivision code 000-000, registered at the address: Moscow, street _________, ______, house building ___, ___ apartment, hereinafter referred to as "Rentapoluchatel", on the one hand, and gr. Russian Federation, Petrov, Pyotr Petrovich 01.01._____ year of birth, place of birth: Moscow, sex: male, passport of the Russian Federation 00 series 00 № 000000 issued 01.01.2002g. ATS "________" Moscow, code division 000-000, at the address: Moscow, street house _________, ____, ____, apartment building ___, hereinafter referred to as "Rentadatel, on the other hand, the Parties called together, acting voluntarily, conclude this agreement, drawn up in writing, as follows:
1.YA, gr. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, free of charge passed on my right, individually owned apartment at the address: Moscow, street ________, house of 1 (one), Flat 2 (Two), hereafter the "FLAT" ownership gr. Petrov, Peter Petrovich, and I gr.Petrov Pyotr Petrovich, your apartment in the property accept and agree to implement lifelong maintenance of a dependent gr. Ivan Ivanov.
2. This apartment consists of one living room, has a total area of 35,2 (Thirty-five point two) square meters, including floor space 20,0 (twenty point zero) sq.m. According to the Bureau of Technical Inventory Southwestern № 1 TBTI Moscow.
March. FLAT at the above address belongs Rentapoluchatelyu the right of ownership under the Treaty of ___________________________, certified by a notary Moscow Ivan Ivanov 01.01._______ year, the registry entry № 0-0000, as evidenced by the Certificate of state registration of rights form 77 AA 00000, issued 01.01.2001, Moscow city committee of the state registration of immovable property and transactions with him, knows quite a record of registration for immovable property and transactions № 77-00/00-00/2001-0000.0-0 from 01.01.2001, the conditioned apartment number 0-0000000.
4. By mutual agreement of the parties above the price of the apartments is 1,000,000 rubles. 00 kop. (One million rubles 00 kopecks).
5. By agreement of the parties obtained the contents of a dependent is carried out in nature, namely:
- Providing housing by preserving the right for life of grant of residence in the alienable apartment;
- Providing food and clothing;
- The provision of care in relation to health, purchase of medicines;
- Provision of various public services;
- Payment of funeral services.
Total cost of this lifelong maintenance of a dependent per month determined by the parties in the sum of three times the minimum wage set by law, while the value of the total content per month, which includes the cost of food and clothing, set in the amount of twice the minimum wage.
6. Rentapoluchatel guarantee that the apartment does not sell, not donated, not laid down in the dispute and custody (the ban) is not, do not put in rentals, free use. Rentapoluchatel confirms that to date the debt to pay for utilities and other mandatory payments available.
7. Rentadatel becomes the owner of the apartment after the registration of this contract and property rights in the Office of the Federal State of registration, inventory and mapping in Moscow and at its own expense maintenance and repair of apartments with the current uniform rules and regulations, and participates in proportion footprint of the costs associated maintenance and repair, including the capital, the whole house. Acquiring ownership KVARTITRU Rentadatel acquires ownership share in the common property rights to common property in a tenement house.
8. Rentadatel carries responsibilities assumed under this Treaty and with the accidental loss of the apartment. Alienation, lease mortgage or otherwise encumber the apartment is possible only with the prior consent Rentapoluchatelya, which is in accordance with Clause 1, Article. 587 of the Civil Code becomes lien on your apartment.
9. Commitment lifelong maintenance of a dependent ceases at death beneficiary of rent.
10. When Rentadatelem material breach of its obligations Rentapoluchatel right to demand return of the apartment or the payment of his purchase price of the apartment. It costs
content Rentapoluchatelya not compensated in the manner prescribed by Art. 594 CC RF
11. The contents of the transaction, its impact, responsibilities, rights and duties, the contents of the articles of the Civil Code: 182 "Representation" 288 "Ownership of dwelling," 450 "Basis change termination", 460 "Duty to the seller to transfer the goods free from third-party rights" , 594 "Purchase Price ...", 601" Contract lifelong maintenance of a dependent ", 602" The duty to provide maintenance of a dependent "- known to the parties.
12. By signing this agreement the parties confirm that they were not and are not limited in capability, under guardianship, patronage does not consist, not suffering from diseases that hinder understand the essence of the signed contract and the circumstances of its conclusion, and there are no circumstances that force to make a transaction at an extremely disadvantageous to itself.
13. Rentadatel in the contract states that is in a registered marriage
14. PARTIES agreed that the costs associated with registration of this agreement, his registration in the Office of the Federal Service of state registration, inventory and mapping of Moscow and registration of property rights, produced by Rentadatelya.
15. This Agreement contains the entire volume of agreements between the parties concerning the subject matter of this contract, which supersede and invalidate all other obligations or representations that may be taken or made by the parties either orally or in writing before entering into this contract.
16. This agreement may be terminated by the PARTIES to perform its obligations under mutual agreement, and in case of failure of one party or after the execution of treaty obligations - in the courts.
17. This agreement is made in three copies, one of which is filed in the Office of the Federal State of registration, inventory and mapping of Moscow, one copy is given Rentapoluchatelyu and one - Rentadatelyu.
18. This agreement is subject to state registration in the Office of the Federal State of registration, inventory and mapping of Moscow.
Rentapoluchatel: ____________________________________________________________________________
Rentadatel _____________________________________________________________________________
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